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Pigment, assortment of 17 colors

Reference -MN102
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Natural or synthetic pigments to make your own colors (17 colors set)

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These natural (N) or synthetic (S) pigments will allow you to make your own colors by mixing them with different binders (arabic gum, egg yolk, or our medieval tempera). These colors can both be used for illuminating or calligraphy with pen. Plastic bottle of 15 gramms. Set of the 17 colors available.

Natural or synthetic, pigments are coloured particles that need to be loosened and bound. Several techniques of use are possible: medieval tempera, arabic gum or egg yolk.

medieval tempera, place a small amount of pigment on a sandblasted glass or ceramic plate. Add a few drops of tempera (variable, depending on the nature of the pigment), and grind the mixture, either with a glass muller or simply with a painter’s knife, until you obtain a soft and very smooth dough, which you can use immediately, or also store in plastic pans and let dry : the color will keep without problem and can be reused later by wetting with water.

For the technique of egg yolk, the excellent book by Claire Travers « Initiation à l'enluminure », gives you all the indications : this book, unfortunately out of print now, was published in compilation with the book « Latin calligraphy », you can consult it here.

Arabic gum is used almost as a tempera, except that it is necessary to add a few drops of sugar solution to give flexibility to the mixture, which would otherwise become too « brittle » when drying (proportion for sugar syrup: 1 volume of water for two volumes of sugar)

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